The majority of hearing loss involves permanent damage to the inner ear and is not surgically repairable. Statistics Canada (2019) estimates that 8.4 million Canadians have hearing loss, but that only 4% of them realize they have difficulty hearing.
If you feel you or someone you know is having difficulty hearing, the first step is to schedule a hearing test! Contact our clinic here (LINK) to schedule a hearing test.
If a hearing assessment determines that you are a candidate for hearing aids, our audiologist can discuss this with you.
Hearing aids are essentially computers that are worn on the ear, and come in several styles and technology levels. Many hearing aids allow audio streaming via Bluetooth from mobile devices, tablets, and television. Some hearing aids are rechargeable, while others use batteries that need to be changed approximately once a week. An audiologist can help you to choose what hearing aid style and technology level will best suit your lifestyle needs.
Hearing aids come in a variety of sizes and styles.
Behind the Ear (BTE)
- BTE hearing aids sit behind the top of the ear, and are connected by a tube to an earmold that sits in the ear.
- BTE hearing aids can fit mild to profound degrees of hearing loss
- BTE hearing aids are available in both rechargeable or single-use battery formats
Receiver in Canal (RIC) or Receiver in the Ear (RITE)
- RIC hearing aids consist of a small unit that sits behind the top of the ear and is connected to the ear canal by a thin wire. The portion of the hearing aid entering the ear canal is surrounded either by a plastic dome or a custom-made earmold.
- RIC hearing aids provide a discreet, comfortable hearing aid option
- RIC hearing aids are available in both rechargeable and single-use battery models
Completely in Canal (CIC) and Invisible In Canal (IIC)
- CICs and IICs sit deep in the ear canal, making them very difficult to see
- CICs and IICs can be either custom-made (modeled specifically for your ear), or modular (with a sleeve dome attached to the end of the module).
- CICs and IICs use very small single-use batteries.
- CICs and IICs do not have the capability for direct audio streaming via Bluetooth.
In the Canal (ITC)
- ITC hearing aids are custom made (modeled specifically for your ear)
- ITC hearing aids sit in the bottom of the concha bowl of the ear
- ITCs can be rechargeable or use single-use batteries
- For single-use battery models, ITC hearing aids can use a larger battery than CIC/IIC hearing aids, and may be easier for individuals with dexterity issues to manage
In the Ear (ITE)
- ITE hearing aids are custom made (modeled specifically for your ear)
- ITE hearing aids fill the entire concha bowl
- ITE hearing aids can be rechargeable or use single-use batteries
- Due to their larger size, ITE hearing aids can sometimes accommodate more powerful receivers, making them capable of addressing more severe degrees of hearing loss
Disclaimer: THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. In the event of a medical emergency, call 911 and/or your healthcare provider.
The content provided on this website is for informational or educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. This website and its described services do not constitute the practice of any medical, surgical, audiological, physiotherapy, nursing, or other professional health care advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always talk to your health care provider for investigations, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, including your particular medical needs. Please see your healthcare provider if you have any questions about the content provided on this website.”