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eardrum perforation

Tympanoplasty is an ear surgery performed to repair part of the eardrum. Typically, there is a hole (perforation) in the eardrum (causes for this include: trauma, infection) that is impairing hearing, producing a conductive hearing loss. Patients with an eardrum hole may also have repeat ear infections.

Surgery is performed under general anesthesia, with a nerve monitor to monitor the facial nerve during the operation. Most patients will be discharged from the hospital the same day, typically a few hours after the operation.

The surgery is performed under a high-power microscope, as the structures being repaired are very small and delicate. Most incisions are made in the ear canal. A small incision is also made behind the ear to obtain a small piece of tissue (fascia) which is used to repair the hole. In some cases, the hearing bones (ossicles) also need to be repaired. See ossiculoplasty.

After the procedure, your surgeon will provide you with information about postoperative care.

If you would like to learn more about this procedure, please contact the Kingston Ear InstituteTM to arrange a consultation.

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